I fully understand that money doesn't grow on trees. But that doesn't stop me from fantasizing about reaching for those ripe 20 dollar bills, sinking my teeth into juicy 100's, and raking the fallen Benjamin's into big piles for my future children to one day jump on. I dream up scenarios like these to keep my sanity while living in a world that I can barely afford. Sometimes it's necessary to step back from reality and take a step into a fantasy land composed of our deepest desires. My dreams of future wealth and security are what keep me trudging along this path called life. Knowing for certain that I will one day be successful, because I will not stand living my life any other way. 

Nothing makes me cringe more than scrolling through the belittling blog known as "Rich Kids of Instagram." Here, us commoners can delve into the lives of the richest kids in the world and find out what they do with their...well, their parents money. From pictures of dinner receipts totaling over 100,000 dollars to pictures of yacht rides to the Hampton's, it's obvious that these kids are living a life that many of us will only dream of.

The anatomy of reading a text message is simple. First, you perk up to that universal melody signifying the delivery of a text, followed by quick glance down, a swift thumb swipe to the right, and Voilà, you're message appears. So little effort goes into opening a text message, making it the perfect invention for our comatose society, constantly searching for the next convenient thing. But when dealing with the person on the other end of that text stimulates anxiety, that seemingly undemanding thumb swipe to the right seems a lot more demanding

“I was at the wrong place, at the wrong time,” is the ever too cliché phrase many of us will quickly turn to for justification when disaster strikes.  When every ounce of our existence is shattered by one wrong turn down the wrong street, one wrong text sent to the wrong person or one drunken run in with an ex at a random bar, try to keep in mind the more comforting phrase; “everything happens for a reason.”

Upon entering college many of us had the same, conventional picture painted in our minds. A fanciful image depicting the "proper" evolution of adulthood. It's the assumption that every girl will fall head over heels in love during freshmen psychology class, leaving the to history. This twisted belief is exactly what's skewing 20-somethings perceptions of what is supposed to take place during and after college.

You said it, Alanis!  But in all seriousness, why must the inevitable always take place? Today, I woke up at 6:00am, rubbed my eyes and looked over at my roommates bed with a sigh, just as I always do. The first things I usually see when my vision comes into focus is my roommate sleeping soundly on her stomach, but today was different. Instead of envy filling my veins at the sight of her curled up in a comfortable ball on her bed, I saw nothing.

As I sit here stuffed inside my cubical, slouched over in a chair that calls for  constant muscle aches and cramping I wonder, how did my first post-graduation job turn out this way?

Sorry honey, but drinking vodka out of a wine glass doesn't make you any classier than those drinking it out of a red solo cup.


    August 2012